Our 2024 pourover recipe (2025 update in description)
Update: As of 2025, this is a slightly outdated recipe.
We've had a lot of questions and concerns about how to brew our coffees this year. One thing we've noticed about green beans lately is how much more soluble they've become, and while we haven't changed our roasting style, our pouring style needed to adjust for that change in solubility. So, towards the end of 2024 we began updating our recipe, and we've found the one we enjoy most.
The recipe -
- 1:18/19 ratio (13.5-14g coffee, 255g water)
- 90-93 °C water at 80-100ppm
- relatively fine grind size (7.5-
- 2 pours: 50g bloom (30-60s), 205g low flow circular pour
Give this recipe a try and let us know what you think!
We're happy to finally introduce our pourover recipe to you all.
The recipe -
- 1:17-18 ratio (14-15g coffee to 255g water)
- 93 °C water at 100ppm
- 2-3 pours: 50g bloom, 105g circle second pour, 100g circle + center final pour (205g one pour)
Our preferred tools
- dripper - Origami Dripper Air S
- filter - Kalita Wave 155
- kettle - Fellow Stagg EKG or Brewista Artisan
- scale - Acaia Pearl
- grinder - EK43, Timemore 078(Dial 4-7, 1:18-19ratio/13.5-14g:255g water recommended), Comandante C40 MK3 (around 22clicks, 1:17-18ratio recommended), TImemore C3
- other - Nucleus Paragon (optional, we created this recipe before starting to use Paragon)
Let's get into the recipe -
Recipe details -
- 50g bloom for 30s, 105g slow circle pour (outer to inner) for around 20-30s, wait for water to nearly reach coffee bed, final 100g slow circle pour finishing in center for 255g finish at around 2:55~3:30
- bloom for 45~60s depending on how gassy
- ratio - 1:18-19 (13.5-14g coffee, 255g water)
- grind setting - relatively fine (9~10 on EK43, 4~7 on Timemore 078, 20~22 clicks on Comandante C40 MK3)*for time more or Comdandante, we would recommend a 1:18-19ratio(13.5-14g coffee 250g water).
- brew temperature - 93°C (from 90°C to 95°C based on preference)
- water - 100ppm (we use Aquacode, 1:6 ratio of Aquacode to distilled water)
- target TDS: usually 1.25-1.34 depending on the coffee, but ultimately the taste

The pourover
1st pour (the bloom)
- Set everything on your scale, and tare. Start your timer, and begin pouring 50g of water into the dripper, starting from the center, moving to the outside, and then back towards the center to finish. This 50g should be slightly aggressive and quick, finishing around 10-12 seconds. The goal here is just to sufficiently saturate the grounds, so give the dripper a few swirls to saturate as needed. Wait until your scale hits 0:30 to start the second pour.
- 45~60s bloom depending on the gassiness
2nd pour
- Starting from the center and circling towards the outside, start pouring to quickly resaturate the coffee bed and raise the water level to around a total of 80-85g, and then slow down to a very slow and controlled circular pour moving in towards the center, finishing at 155g total.
- Once you reach 150g and you've gotten to the center of the pour, stop and wait for a semi-drawdown. Once the water level nearly reaches the coffee bed, we'll go in for the third and final pour.
3rd pour
- This pour will start just like the second pour, aiming to quickly resaturate the coffee bed with about 30-35g before transitioning into a slow circle pour. This circle pour will be slightly quicker than the second pour, aiming to hit the center by around 240-245g, finishing the last 10-15g with a center pour. Once 255g total is reached, we wait for drawdown.
- Depending on your preference, you may swirl the bed to finish the drawdown, but if you don't, you can study the finished coffee bed to see how your pour technique was. The ideal coffee bed should have clear walls of coffee on the outside of the dripper, with a flat circular bed towards the center. As mentioned, drawdown time does not matter too much, but typically our drawdowns are between 2:55 and 3:15.
Key points during the brew
- 50g bloom, center to outer, finish with outer to inner at 10-12 seconds
- swirl to saturate grounds evenly
- Main pour starts with 35-50g of water from the center to the outside, without stopping before the slow pour
- aggressive and quick to raise the water level and resaturate grounds
- Second pour after the resaturation finishes at 155g of total water. Outer to inner pour, slowly, maintaining the water level
- Third pour starts similar to the second pour, resaturating the grounds and then circle pour until 235-240g, finishing in the center until 255g total
- finish with center pour during last 10-15g of water
- Drawdown time between 2:55-3:15
Key ideas and techniques
- Maintain a steady stream and flowrate: vertical stream with as low of a flow as possible (without breaking the stream)
- Create a wall of grounds that leads to a flat center, this is done first with the start of the 2nd pour, to create the shape under the water, and then maintained with the slow circle pour
- Relatively quick drawdown (you shouldn't experience stalling or clogging) is ideal, and despite using a somewhat finer grind setting, this pour technique allows for a clear coffee bed without any cloudiness during the drawdown, which is observable with the very clean cup