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7th Anniversary Sale!

For our 7th anniversary, we are offering 10% off of all coffee (monthly subscription not included)!

Available July 20 - August 1. Thank you for all of your kindness and support over the years!

La Isla ETH47 is back!

La Isla ETH47 is back!

We are so excited to have ETH47 La Isla back in our shelf! La Isla ETH47 has been one of best favorite coffees in the 3 years (in a row) because the flavors are nearly as vibrant as some very good Geishas. It's always fun to get some nice Geishas offering some of the best experience but we find it pretty interesting to explore other cultivars to find something very vibrant in a different way from Geisha notes.

Not only the intense and vibrant flavors, La Isla is quite unusual coffee in a good way. This coffee is not a strictly high grown coffee (in fact the altitude is 1390-1450masl) but the beans are quite hard and dense, the we also can see in the flavor intensity. 

La Isla has been elaborating their cherry reposado processing to enhance the terroir and the ETH47 character. The acidity is as bright as Kenya coffees but less acidic with vibrant flavors accompanied, displayed on its light/medium body.

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