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Raul Duran

Regular price ¥1,500


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Degassing: we recommend degassing this coffee unopened for at least 45days. Best from 60days to 90days post roast.*depending on the storage condition. For details please refer to our storage page.


*Though we are sorting out defects after roasting and our greens have passed through mechanical/hand sorting at farm level, small stones can be found in coffee beans, it's not harmful to health as it's roasted but please sort them before grinding to avoid risk damaging your grinder just in case.

Cupping review 

This award winning lot represents the terroir and the cultivar's character the best! Expect plum, lemongrass and then hibiscus in the aftertaste.

Tasting notes: lemongrass, plum, hibiscus
Coffee type: bright, juicy, terroir coffee
Producer: Raul Duran
Area: Planadas, Tolima, Colombia
Altitude: 1650 m.a.s.l
Variety: Castillo
Process: washed
Roasted for espresso and filter
Whole beans(100g or 250g NET)

Raul Duran and FFT

This coffee has won the 10th place of a private competition called "Washed Coffee Festival" held by Fair Field Trading (FFT)/Alejandro Renjifo. Alejandro has been dedicated to source refined specialty coffees, especially traditional washed coffees from Colombia. Recently, he has been enthusiastically sourcing traditional cultivars exclusively. We have been pretty impressed with its high quality in each aspect, acidity, body, sweetness and flavors.

Important Notice

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