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Vista al Bosque: a perfect example of a great washed coffee! Vista al Bosque: a perfect example of a great washed coffee!

Vista al Bosque: a perfect example of a great washed coffee!

We'd love to review on our current favorite coffee, Vista al Bosque!

Impeccable on all front, this washed Catuai is very smooth, balanced, clean and quite sweet: perfect for both espresso and V60 pour over. This lot is a quite well sorted hard beans and this Catuai is representing the micro climate of Huehuetenango so well. Though there are so many crazy coffees from rare cultivars and experimental processing, we would say this type of traditional Catuai always makes us happy and makes us feel that we are enjoying and embracing the terroir so well.

On cupping(and immersion brewing) it was bright with distinct flavors of pineapple. We found distinct notes of tangerine and peach on both V60 and espresso.

At the brewing session, we especially loved this for an espresso shot. The shot was pretty vibrant with oozing notes of tangerine, sweet and smooth taste then very long and vibrant after taste of orange. 2nd sip was full of peach and nectarine flavors with underlying sweetness of peach and caramel.

On the other hand, the V60 was very delicate and smooth. Opening with hints of pineapple then followed by tangerine, nectarine and remarkable sweetness of peach. This silky coffee is perfect for daily driver and even for special occasion. 

Brewing data 


Grinding: dial11 on Niche Zero

Ratio: 15grams in 40 grams out

Time 35(10sec pre-infusion)

8.00 TDS


Comandante 23 clicks 

Total pour time 3:15mins

Total brewing time 3:29mins

TDS: 1.36

Information of Vista al Bosque 

Tasting notes: pineapple, prune, pear
Coffee type: full-bodied, bright
Producer: Wilmar Castillo
Area: Huehuetenango, Guatemala
Altitude: 1900 m.a.s.l
Variety: Catuai
Process: washed
Roasted for espresso and filter
Whole beans(100g or 250g NET)

Degassing: we recommend degassing this coffee unopened for at least 45days. Best from 50days to 70days post roast.

Brew method recommended: 

Huehuetenango terroir lot

Supervised by Eduardo Ambrocio Coffee Advisors, Vista al Bosque has been producing impeccable coffees and we've been tasting their Catuai washed for 3 years and finally have an opportunity to showcase this bright coffee. This lot is perfectly sorted and preserved, harvested in a perfect timing with clean washed processing. We can say this coffee represents the micro climate/terroir of Huehuetenango with oozing fruity flavors.

Cupping review

Vista al Bosque delivers  lots of bright fruit flavors. Opening up with bright pineapple followed by sweet prune and vibrant notes of pear in the finish.

V60 review

This coffee delights with delicate fruit flavors displayed on its very clean and smooth body. Expect tangerine, nectarine and peach.

*Though we are sorting out defects after roasting and our greens have passed through mechanical/hand sorting at farm level, small stones can be found in coffee beans, it's not harmful to health as it's roasted but please sort them before grinding to avoid risk damaging your grinder just in case.

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