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Santa Lucia Geishas!(La Casona and El Triangulo) Santa Lucia Geishas!(La Casona and El Triangulo)

Santa Lucia Geishas!(La Casona and El Triangulo)

Today we are so excited to post about our long term favorite coffee from our great friend/best coffee producer, Mierisch family!

We have been roasting their coffees since 2016, even before we launched a real ship in Tokyo. Though almost everything from them is in the finest quality, we especially used to love their Yellow Pacamara and Javanica. Since 2021, we are honored to roast their Santa Lucia Geishas (both Casona and Triangulo) and they became some of our flag ship coffee. We can honestly say they have been producing the best Geishas in the world these days. 

These Santa Lucia Geishas are renowned for a COE winning coffee in several times, most interestingly, each plot tastes different and 

We would say both El Triangulo and La Casona is equally great, La Casona is a very good classic Geisha yet El Triangulo is more tropical flavors forward and complex type.

Speaking of La Casona, we just released a new profile version which is perfumed and bursting with crazy jasmine notes, we are mainly talking about the former batches of La Casona in this blog post. We are getting the most vibrant and distinct jasmine notes from the new profile La Casona, highly recommended.

V60 reviews

La Casona(old profile) on V60, we found a sweet lemon notes first with pleasantly mild acidity   followed by perfumed notes of melon accompanied by hints of green tea and jasmine florals got pronounced when it's completely chilled.

On the other hand, in the cup of El Triangulo, vibrant jasmine florals came out first then follow by bright notes of grapefruit with lavender notes and underlying sweetness of peach. 

We would say La Casona old profile on V60 was a very elegant classic Geisha yet El Triangulo is very complex vibrant type that was dancing on our taste buds.

Espresso reviews

El Triangulo delighted with bright lime acidity balanced out by peach and chocolate sweetness and then jasmine in the finish.

La Casona espresso was bursting with flavors of lime accompanied by jasmine florals and delicate long lasting finish of green tea. We also got sweet melon flavors when it's chilled completely.

Settings and data

Dose/Outcome: 15g/45g

Grind setting: 13on Niche Zero

Shot time: 30sec(with 3sec pre-wetting and 5sec interval)

TDS: 7.4

V60 brewing data

La Casona

Grind: Comdante 24clicks(we would recommend 23-25)

Grind: Comandante 24clicks (we would recommend 23-25)

Total pour time: 3:15mins

Total brewing time: 3:30mins

TDS: 1.32

El Triangulo

Grind: Comandante 24clicks (we would recommend 23-25)

Total pour time: 3:15mins

Total brewing time: 3:30mins

TDS: 1.35

Other information about La Casona

A marvelous classic Geisha!

Thanks to their kindness, we are beyond honored to get this dreamy coffee on the list since 2021. For sure we are gonna purchase this Geisha annually! No doubt that this is one of the best coffees in the world, they won the Honduras COE #1 in 2021 with this Santa Lucia Geisha (to be exact, it was a blend of La Casona Geisha and El Triangulo Geisha in the Santa Lucia) followed by COE#2 in 2022 with their Geisha/Pacamara blend from this farm. This La Casona lot has everything what we are looking for in washed classic Geisha.

Cupping review

(NEW)With a new roast profile, La Casona delivers tons of jasmine florals from the dry(coffee grounds aroma) to 60mins on timer after pouring. La Casona is bursting and perfumed with super distinct jasmine notes with hints of lime, balanced out with bold sweetness of peach. 

(OLD)La Casona Geisha delights with kiwi and lime followed by distinct jasmine florals with hints of Chinese green tea in the finish. A delicious classic Geisha that represents the specialty coffee industry and Honduras coffee scene.

Other information of El Triangulo

Tasting notes: lemongrass, passionfruit, jasmine, peach
Coffee type: elegant, vibrant, competition grade, distinct sweetness
Producer: Mierisch Family
Area: Comayagua, Honduras
Altitude: 1400 m.a.s.l
Variety: Geisha
Process: washed
Roasted for espresso and filter
Wholebeans(100g or 250g NET)

Degassing: we recommend degassing this coffee unopened for at least 45days. Best from 50-70days post roast.

Brewing method recommended: V60

The Other Side of Santa Lucia

Thanks to their kindness, we are beyond honored to get this dreamy coffee on the list since 2021. For sure we are gonna purchase this Geisha annually!

No doubt that this is one of the best coffees in the world, they won the Honduras COE #1 in 2021 with this Santa Lucia Geisha (to be exact, it was a blend of La Casona Geisha and El Triangulo Geisha in the Santa Lucia) followed by COE#2 in 2022 with their Geisha/Pacamara blend from this farm.

Cupping review

El Triangulo delivers tons of sweetness with bright fruit tones at the cupping session. Expect lemongrass, passionfruit and jasmine, all those flavors are balanced out with its distinct sweetness of peach.

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