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For our 7th anniversary, we are offering 10% off of all coffee (monthly subscription not included)!

Available July 20 - August 1. Thank you for all of your kindness and support over the years!

New Coffee Review: El Monarca Honduras

New Coffee Review: El Monarca Honduras

Bursting with delightfully exotic notes of crispness, we’re thrilled to showcase our first ever coffee from Chaguites Area of La Paz region for our first Honduran coffee of this season!

Isidro Rodriguez


Chaguites area is perhaps brand new to all the coffee lovers in the world, where coffees used not to be cultivated. Especially, this El Monarca farm is located at an altitude of 1940m.a.s.l, reclaimed from a grassland. In a land in its infancy, IH-90 are mainly cultivated, which is renowned for a robust and high yielding variety with its high cup quality.

The view of Chaguites area


A hybrid of Caturra and Sartimor developed by IH CAFE Honduras; a genetic descendant of both Robusta and Arabica varieties, designed to suit the condition in Honduras. Not only this variety is robust and high yielding, IH-90 is also known for its fruitiness and sweetness.
This lot is our 2nd purchase of IH90 varietal lot  from Honduras. As far as we’ve roasted and tasted some good IH-90 lots, spicy characters of Robusta as the flavors of its genetic descendants are often pronounced in a positive way to give some crispness to the cup, which would reminds us of green fruits such as pear, muscat and green apple; or displayed as tropical fruits with its abundant acidity.



Not to mention the brightness due to its high cultivation altitude, El Monarca oozes quite juicy /fruity flavors; often seen in IH-90 varietal lot from Honduras.

What makes this coffee distinct is its clarity of tropical fruit flavors. Bursting with insane mango flavors accompanied by crisp notes of muscat, all the virtue of IH-90 variety is displayed in the cup.

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