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Our 2024 pourover recipe

Our 2024 brew bar pourover recipe

We're happy to say that after extensive testing, our pourover recipe is finally here.

We assume most people buying and brewing our coffees, are likely doing pourovers, as opposed to espresso or other methods (although we do love our coffees on espresso), so we're super happy to finally be sharing our method with you. 

The recipe we've developed and are continually improving on is quite unique, and while it may not bring out the best of every coffee, it is a trusty recipe that we've found leads to very enjoyable cups from our beans. This recipe is based on technique, with emphasis on agitation, flow, and pour height. Drawdown time is not an end-all-be-all here. Another crucial part is degassing. While we are only selling those coffees taste great from day 0 or 1 on cupping, they usually require 45-70days of degassing for pour over due to the gas caused by the omni roasting. The gassy flavors may interfere your taste experience if it's not properly degassed.

*For those who prefer pulse pour and big agitation recipes, we would recommend you trying 1:18-20 ratio and 3-4 pulse with 45-60sec bloom on a finer grind setting (such as 9.5-10 on EK43), to achieve 1.25-1.34 TDS in 4 mins.

This recipe is intended for flat-bottom drippers only.


Our preferred tools

  • dripper - Origami Dripper Air (S or M, both are fine)
  • filter - Kalita Wave 155
  • kettle - Fellow Stagg EKG, Brewista Artisan
  • scale - Acaia Pearl
  • grinder - EK43, Timemore 078, Comandante C40 MK3, TImemore C3

We use the Origami Dripper Air as it fits Kalita wave filters flushly, while having a slope that isn't as steep as other flat-bottom drippers like the Orea, Kalita, Timemore, etc. We prefer the Air to the ceramic model just because it's super light, convenient, and won't break. Technically, it also retains heat better throughout the brew. Regarding the kettle, our baristas like both the Stagg and the Brewista, but we choose to use the Stagg in shop because it's easier to control.

The recipe

  • 50g bloom for 30s, 200g slow circle pour (outer to inner) for 1:15~1:30, 250g finish at around 3:00~3:30
  • ratio - 1:16.7 (15g of coffee, 250g of water)
  • grind setting - relatively fine (10~11 on EK43, 9~11 on Timemore 078, 24~27 clicks on Comandante C40 MK3)
  • brew temperature - 93~95 °C
  • water - 100ppm (we use Aquacode, 1:6 ratio of Aquacode to distilled water)
  • target TDS: usually 1.3-1.5 depending on the coffee, but ultimately the taste



Grind your coffee, trying to mitigate fines and chaff depending on your grinder.

Place your filter and rinse with hot brew water, ideally more than 100g.

Gently pour your grounds into the filter, as evenly as possible. Once in the filter, lift and tap the sides of your dripper until the bed is flat and evenly distributed. You can use WDT at this time, but we don't at the shop.

(1)1st pour(bloom)

Set everything on your scale, and tare. Start your timer, and begin pouring 40-50g of water into the dripper, starting from the center and moving to the outside. This 50g should be slightly aggressive and quick, finishing around 10 seconds. The goal here is just to sufficiently saturate the grounds, so give the dripper and a few swirls to saturate as needed.

(2)Main pour

Our goal is to achieve an entirely even extraction, hence we need to maintain the stream shape (especially the droplets part of the kettle stream should be in the slurry/under the surface) and ideally the water level stays as stable as possible. 

We will initiate our YouTube channel very soon for pour videos!

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